I heard years ago…the point of the Scriptures is to get to know Christ, to see what he’s like, how he reacts, what his divine character is like…because you can’t love someone , let alone serve someone that you don't know.
ALSO…We need to remember that He has done for others, He will do for us!!
We are going to have a study class today. We are going to learn some subtle meanings to all the key words.
info from institute Class - R Stay, Hebrew scholar
“If you always study the same way, you’re only going to find what you’ve always found before.”
TOOL - Blue Letter bible.com free and awesome!! gives alternative meaning behind each word in the Bible
Strong’s exhaustive Concordance is in it. ( there is a good tutorial )
example COATS: it’s a rare word - sometimes a coat is a coat and sometimes its a robe and is holy, getting historical info and alternate meanings gives more insight
- combine with historical information … all clothing was wool, there were no blends (it was to remind them to not intermarry) Their clothing had to be pure. Cotton and linen were ok together as they were considered special.
- coats of skins other meanings… clothed with …to endow with a particular quality…clothed with power from on high…King David and his robe…clothed with salvation…she was clothed in white… I think of how we are to feed and clothe our children…clothe them with knowledge of God
COME (G1205) adverb…describing the verb UNTO, near or towards
“Look UNTO me and be saved” Isa 45:22
LABOUR - tired, weary, exhausted with toil or burdens or grief.
LADEN - loaded with burdens (of rites and unwarranted precepts… troublesome laws…Friday afternoon, leave the lights on… Pharasees or anyone today who doesn't have the gospel perspective)
GIVE (G373) = REST (G373) ….to permit one to cease from movement or labor in order to recover and collect your strength. Quiet and calm.
TAKE…(this word has double meaning) to raise up, lift up, elevate, to carry what was been raised…to take and apply.
YOKE (G2218) zygos (pro. zoogaws) a yoke is a harness or coupling , to join
- explain 2 edged sword concept below
- There is often a positive and negative meaning.
- There is opposition in ALL things.
- It’s up to us and how we will apply the principles.
- Salt both saves and corrupts. Which choice will we make?
Alma 30:13 “Why do you yoke yourselves with such foolish things?
Yoke can mean calamity and servitude
1 Ne 13: 5 ..and yoketh them with a yoke of iron and bringeth them down… (Sin is a heavy burden)
Mathew 11: “Take my yoke upon you”
Which yoke are people experiencing? Who do we want to be harnessed to?
Jer 5:5 great men… broke the yoke and burst the bonds
( I imagine superman breaking chains that bind him )
LEARN (G3129) - to hear, be informed, to increase in knowledge,
MEEK (G4235) gentle and mild
LOWLY - of low degree (he descended below all)
- brought low with grief (man of griefs)
- humble
HEART - the center of the soul, the seat of a spiritual life
- where your understanding is
FIND - after searching, to hit upon, to get knowledge of
- to come to know….to meet with !!
REST - ( from noun) the blessed tranquility of soul, a calming of the winds, a respite from your burden, THE Heavenly Place in which God dwells and is promised to persevering believers!
HEB 4: 10 ceased from his OWN works….means?? (His will and not ours) The great Divorse, CS Lewis
Heb 4:11 Let us labor therefore to enter into his rest…
SOULS (G5590) the vital force that animates you, the seat of the feelings, desires, affections and aversions…your essence…an essence not dissolved by death…the life destined to enjoy Messianic salvation!
EASY (G5543) virtuous, good, pleasant, kind and manageable
Now, How do we put this together?? Therefore what???
Have read - Pres HWH quote IM p 35
Bednar conf talk !! Oct 2014 The burden in the back of the tuck gave him traction
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