:2 Why, did the angels roll the stone away and open the tomb?
First, there was undoubtedly important symbolic meaning in this act. Just as the door of the tomb of the Resurrection was now open, signaling its occupant was no longer there, so too the door of the spirit world was now open, signaling that its righteous inhabitants were free from the bondage of death and would no longer be confined there.
This is not unlike the tearing of the veil of the Jerusalem Temple at the final moment of the Crucifixion 27: 51. It was torn from top to bottom symbolizing completely.
The exposed Holy of Holies symbolized, among other things, a new order or dispensation that allowed, through the Atonement of Christ, all the righteous to enter the presence of God—which the Holy of Holies represents (Hebrews 9:19-24; 10:19-20). Mathew 28:2
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